Any government that acts without the people’s consent need to be challenged. You may not think that the battle to return land use decisions to local control is your fight, but you are wrong. You may think that local government is just as corrupt as Sacramento so why bother, but again you are wrong. Governments at every level have been corrupted by big money and corporate interest but the smaller the decision-making body the more access local voters have to affect change.

If you are a renter, you may not think this is your issue but you are wrong because Sacramento has made the rental crisis much worse and the our neighborhood voices people are fighting for you also.

This battle is the first step in telling the State of California that they have overstepped their role and we are not going to take it anymore. This battle is about telling big business, big tech and global corporations that all power rests with the people, not their political slush funds.

This battle is about awakening the people to a new reality sweeping across the country that our voices matter. This battle is about taking action, not talking about what we want to do some day. This is about connecting across the State in order to have our voices heard.

You may not think this is your issue but yours will be here soon enough. How much easier will it be to deal with that issue with a grass roots statewide organization already formed?

So go to https://ourneighborhoodvoices.com sign up, find out how to help with the petition signatures, contribute and get involved. We need to take our state back!

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