What Starts In California Doesn't End In California . Now They Are After Your Kids. Save SB 14

The American Dream is dead in California and your State is next.

If you own a home or hope to own one someday you need to pay close attention to what the California State legislature has done and how they did it.

If we have learned anything in California it is that Government never gives up on an idea. No matter how many times you push back and defeat their efforts they come back the next year even stronger. They and their Globalist Corporate partners believe that they can eventually wear you down and they will if you are not careful. In California the Legislature approved bills that mean the land your home sits on as well as your neighbors’ will no longer be limited to single family homes. Instead, four-, six-, eight- and eventually 10-unit apartment houses will be allowed on a lot instead of your single-family home. Gone will be front, side and rear yard setbacks along with life supporting trees normally found there. In Los Angeles eighty percent (80%) of urban trees are located in residential yards. Yards that used to allow for rainwater absorption into aquifers.

Dream to Nightmare

Large expensive market rate apartment buildings will spring up next to you blocking out sunlight and destroying privacy.

Your American Dream will turn into a nightmare. The neighborhood where you hoped to raise your family or retire will no longer exist. You will no longer be able to pass on the fruits of your labor to your children and grandchildren.

Black and Brown majority single family Neighborhoods will be the first impacted because that is where the greatest gentrification is already taking place along commercial corridors. Now it will continue into their single-Family neighborhoods and neighborhoods everywhere unless you stop them now!

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