If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Californian’s are on the march. The first step in Californian’s journey to regain control of its government has been taken with Our Neighborhood Voice and it is just the beginning.
For far too long we have struggled to protect or homes and neighborhoods while the politicians in Sacramento betrayed us. They have turned their back on the people with their giveaways to their contributors. Big banks, Global Corporations, the building industry, the tech giants, fund their campaigns and dictate what they want in return. We are an after thought to them. Nothing could have been clearer to those who watched Senate Bills 9 and 10 (among others) make their way through the Assembly and Senate this year. Two massive bills that removed single-family zoning from California all in the name of creating more affordable housing without requiring any affordable housing. California is running short on water, our gas and heating fuel costs are rising, the power grid is a shambles and Sacramento wants more expensive market rate housing to line the pockets of their friends. The cost will fall on the shoulders of working-class Californian’s because up to now we have had no voice in the process. That stops now!
This initiative will stop one size fits all land use plans and return land use to local communities. It will also give the people a much-needed seat at the table.
Please go to www.ourneighborhoodvoices.com now, and sign up to take back California, one step at a time.