We need to place all the housing bills under this banner. What was revealed was:

  • The alliance between big tech, big banks, big media, and big business (US Chamber of Commerce) which funded politicians in both parties to pass these bills.  
  • The total disregard for the will of the people by the legislature leadership.  
  • How fearful our representatives are of losing their committee assignments and funding.
  • The people made progress in organizing against these bills, but we still fell short.

What will be required.

  • The filing of lawsuits against this overreach.
  • A people’s initiative to return land use to local control.
  • Forming of a Statewide coalition dedicated to finding and running candidates who will pledge to leave planning to local jurisdictions.
  • A campaign to raise money for the initiative and candidates.

I don’t care if the candidates are Republicans or Democrats, they just need to be a people’s candidate, not a corporate candidate. More on this later as this idea is flushed out.

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