
Totally missing from any bills coming out of Sacramento that kill the American Dream of home ownership is Infrastructure.

Do the members of the legislature think that things like road repairs, failing dams and bridges can be ignored forever? Do they think there will never come a day of reckoning regarding our water supply?​

This report gives a glimpse at some of the issues but only a glimpse.

Supporters of these bills say California is for everyone but increasing capacity ad infinitum does not come without a cost.  Many of us across the State have no inherent issue with density in the abstract but have real issues with our State and Cities failing infrastructure. This report gives a glimpse at some of the issues but only a glimpse. 

The 2019 California Infrastructure Report Card gave the overall infrastructure a grade of C-, which means California’s infrastructure is between Mediocre, needs attention and poor, at risk and requires attention.


The infrastructure in the system or network is in fair to good condition; it shows general signs of deterioration and requires attention. Some elements exhibit significant deficiencies in conditions and functionality, with increasing vulnerability to risk.


The infrastructure is in poor to fair condition and mostly below standard, with many elements approaching the end of their service life. A large portion of the system exhibits significant deterioration. Condition and capacity are of significant concern with strong risk of failure.

We cannot continue to build without first fixing our failing infrastructure. Bills like SB 9 and 10 which deal with increased density inside residential neighborhoods give no thought to the impacts of increased density on essential services like water, power and sewer services. As these systems fray at the seams and fail street by street the cost will be borne by those already living in the neighborhood not the developers who put in the new density. They will kill the American Dream and stick you with the bill. 

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